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Saturday, October 9, 2010

K12 conference Copyrights, Fair Use, and Pirates in the Classroom

URL http://k12online.ning.com/video/steal-this-preso-copyrights

This video mainly focuses on the copyright from different point of view.
Mathew Needleman explains about one fact that people are not supposed to use information, if it is free.  Because a lot of authors who worked to accomplish the information paid too much money and spent too much time.

However, Mathew has positive attitude about using copy right if people use it for educational purpose. Needless to say, it would contribute to enhance student's knowledge about what is going on in the present world. It must be presure for these people who have their own copyrigts.

Interestingly, he implies that getting permission from photographer to use some photos for movie is much more easy while getting permission to use songs is really difficult. To create some movies and songs, present composure would have these difficulties to accomplish it.

What he says with great emphasis is that people have to notice some bottom line to use copyright. Although he admits using copyright for educational fields, he alarms that we must not use copyright on each website. This inhibit from distributing a valuable piece of information on Internet.

At first sight, copyright has strict impression for people who use computer in different fields. Surely, there must be more restrictions using copyright than I expect. However, as I previously mentioned, using information for educational tools is permitted and admirable. Therefore, I believe all valuable pieces of information will contribute to student's growth in the future.

1 comment:

  1. this was a good video. it really gave me some things to consider. one of the things i found interesting was the use of plays. i'd always thought of them as literature, stuff you'd find in a library. it would have never occurred to me to get the rights to have a play with students.
