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Monday, October 18, 2010

Literature Review

Jornal: New Horizon Learning
The title: Technology and Academic Achievement
Author: Les Foltos

    According to this article, Les Foltos mentioned many suggestions toward teacher who use computer and results about using computer in the school for past few decades. He mainly agrees with the effectiveness about using computer in the class room because there are so many brilliant results on each student from using computer in the classroom. However, in the course of survey, he implies one fact that some teacher cannot catch up with using computer in the class.
    As we already know some of parents and policymakers are skeptical of the effectiveness about using computer, he provides new evidence which a growing number of researchers have published studies that provide substantial evidence that technology can play a positive role in academic achievement. In addition, teachers who had students use computers to solve simulations saw their student’s math scores increase significantly.
   Recently, educators in Missouri issued their findings on a study of the impact the statewide eMints program had on academic achievement. This program is designed as a comprehensive approach to help teachers to integrate technology. According to the eMints, eMints are supposed to train teachers in different way. As a result, a higher percent of students in eMints classrooms scored in the ‘Proficient’ or ‘Advanced’ categories on Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test. However, we can say the results are based on how teachers use this access-how we get results. Therefore, Paige encouraged educators to ask how technology can add value to student performance. (Brannnigan, Jan31,2002)
   Foltos suggests that the more technology become advanced, the more we need to have competent teacher who can handle it. Although he explains the result of eMint, School have to provide teachers with the opportunity that teacher can learn it in detail until they control it by themselves. In addition, teachers who are supposed to use computer in the classroom need the opportunities to work with colleagues, both in the school building and beyond since they need chances to learn from one another’s successes and failures and to share good ideas and knowledge.
   Finally, as I mentioned few facts about using computer and how teachers work with it, we can see some problems about technology and academic achievement. We will be able to see the blueprints how teacher will work with computer in order to enhance student’s academic skill and how technology will be connected to academic achievement in the future.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

K12 conference Copyrights, Fair Use, and Pirates in the Classroom

URL http://k12online.ning.com/video/steal-this-preso-copyrights

This video mainly focuses on the copyright from different point of view.
Mathew Needleman explains about one fact that people are not supposed to use information, if it is free.  Because a lot of authors who worked to accomplish the information paid too much money and spent too much time.

However, Mathew has positive attitude about using copy right if people use it for educational purpose. Needless to say, it would contribute to enhance student's knowledge about what is going on in the present world. It must be presure for these people who have their own copyrigts.

Interestingly, he implies that getting permission from photographer to use some photos for movie is much more easy while getting permission to use songs is really difficult. To create some movies and songs, present composure would have these difficulties to accomplish it.

What he says with great emphasis is that people have to notice some bottom line to use copyright. Although he admits using copyright for educational fields, he alarms that we must not use copyright on each website. This inhibit from distributing a valuable piece of information on Internet.

At first sight, copyright has strict impression for people who use computer in different fields. Surely, there must be more restrictions using copyright than I expect. However, as I previously mentioned, using information for educational tools is permitted and admirable. Therefore, I believe all valuable pieces of information will contribute to student's growth in the future.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Parents as Partners Episode # 32 December 3, 2009

K12 online conference 2010

The movie title: Going Global: Culture Shock, Convergence and the Future of Education
culture shock.
URL http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=424

This movie mainly illustrates a lot of interviews from students and teacher who have different backgrounds. For example, most of them experienced living in another country when they were young.

First of all, the narator explains about the positive aspect and negative aspect about international school.
Most of teachers as well as new students who come from different countries absolutely experienced culture shock. Especially this might happen at the very beginning. As for teacher, they sometimes confuses how to educate thier students who are from other countries because some of them have different perspectives and a lack of communication skills. On the other hand, these students also experienced strong shock from different culture. So, it might be seem cruel and awkward for students to go to international school. However, most of them who already have overcome these difficulties show some appreciation. For example, one student commented it is challenging to live diffent culture and its not always negative. He said this situation sometimes energizes him. In addition, the narator illustrates eastern culture for the purpose of comapring western culture. It makes us open our mind to understand how difficult international students live in diffent countries and  to go to their school.

Second, this movie contines interviewing many different people who have already lived in different countries. These people provide us with very interesting ideas. For example, one of them said that we need to enhance our communication skills to catch up with growing world. And, interestingly all of them emphasis on having tolerance, appreciation and empathy. Probably these elements have been indispensable for them to live in there. Because of that, I think that these people are much more sophisticated about communicating and getting along with other persons rather than any people who did not experience living in different culture. I could see most of these people are prodactive and constructive about their life. We can say that they already can deepen understanding for everything around them.

Third, the movie focused on the future of education. As times goes by, we will encounter much more international students who will live around us. Therefore, all teachers are needed to sophisticate themselves for such a future. The movie illustrates the importance of using technology such as internet because this is already valuable for students as well as teachers to connect with other persons. Twitter and some tool box are good examples. Joing such a social network would be necessity for people to live in the future. Of course, we can say same thing about future education. It would be great benefit for teacher and student in every aspect.

Finally, I noticed a lot of thing from watching this movie. It makes me understand how rapidly global society's advance is. Because I also experienced teaching in elementary school in Japan, I think that it might be great concern about how to educate international students and how to use internet efficiently. Global educaiton will absolutely require us to rethink about our own education. Thus, I believe that all teachers will be needed to be flexible and constructive for everything around them.